About Us
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- Innovative technologies linking people and data in real time.
- A vast network of independent agents.
Featured Services Overview
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Ummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut la oreet dolore magna aliquam erat volut pat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniamq uis nostrud exerci tation
Services list
- Etiam cursus leo vel metus
- Nulla facilisi
- Aenean nec eros
- Vestibulum ante ipsum primis
- In faucibus orci luctus et
- Ultrices posuere cubilia Curae
- Suspendisse sollicitudin velit sed
- Ut pharetra augue nec augue
- Nam elit agna,endrerit sit amet
- Tincidunt ac, viverra sed, nulla
- Donec porta diam eu massa
- Quisque diam lorem
Contact Info
Get In Touch
- Intersect Systems International
306 W. El Norte Pkwy.
Suite N – Box 372
Escondido, CA 92026 - Phone: +1 760 796 7733
- Fax: +1 760 290 7054
- E-mail: info@intersectsystems.net
- Intersect Systems International
Privacy Policy
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What Makes ISI Different
Experience: We bring over 45 years of experience to the relocation industry which is the most important factor and on the top of our list. Experience is the threshold of relocation. Training is necessary, technology is great, professionalism a must; but none of these will result in a successful relocation without experience. With ISI, you get the experience that is necessary to make things happen.
Communication: Tired of having to call your provider in order to receive an update on your relocation? Wouldn't it be nice if you didn't have to call? We believe that it doesn't matter how well we perform if we do not communicate with you. How can you know all is well if we do not keep you updated? It is our job to make sure you know where your shipment is at all times.
Commitment: It isn't just a job. This is what we do and it is a part of each one of us. We make a commitment to you when you relocate with us. We commit ourselves 100% each and every time. For us.... it IS personal. We are committed to doing our very best for you and striving for excellence on each and every move no matter how large or how small. Going beyond the call of service, we will work hard during business hours as well as after hours if that is what it takes to get the job done.
Consistency: The secret to success is consistency and this can be applied in just about all industries. If you are consistent in your efforts to provide the best service possible, then you will come out on top.
Individual Personal Attention: Isn't it great when you return to your favorite restaurant and the hostess remembers your last visit and greets you warmly as an old friend? That is the type of personal attention we strive to provide to our customers. You are important to us. Creating a long lasting relationship is our goal with each customer.
Cost Awareness: In today's market, decreasing expenses is always a major factor in relocation. At ISI we work under a "best value" approach. This means we will provide the most cost effective services available without compromising quality. Even still, relocating is a major expense which is why we always look for ways to reduce your overall cost. We have saved thousands of dollars for Corporations by offering "Pay in Lieu" and "Cost Plus" programs and also offer "Load to Limit" estimates for individual relocations.
Integrity: Above all else, ISI will work in all cases with integrity. You can depend upon us to make sure that the answers you receive are correct, direct and helpful to finding a solution to your needs that is feasible and acceptable. We will not make promises we are unable to keep to win your business. We will tell you exactly what to expect however and keep you advised during every phase of your move.